Use Leverage For More Distance
More Distance, More Distance! The common lament! How in the world do the women on the LPGA Tour consistently hit their driver over 250 yards straight down the fairway and look beautiful and graceful doing it? It’s not by muscle and brawn! The answer is simple: LEVERAGE!
Try this: Hold a jar in one hand and its lid in the other hand. Turn both jar and lid in the same direction. No surprise, the jar will not open! You can open the jar quite easily when you hold the jar firmly in place and turn the lid in an opposing direction. That is LEVERAGE! The same law of physics applies to the golf swing! The dynamic motion of the golf swing works on the same principle. When the lower body (the JAR) sways or moves in the same direction as the upper body (the LID) the leverage is reduced substantially and the possibility of more distance dies on the vine. Maximum club head speed is achieved when leverage of the two parts are working in opposite directions to create FORCE. This force creates club head speed and more distance! That’s how the women on the LPGA do it! Can you? Come in for a leverage check and don’t be surprised if you learn to increase distance with more leverage!
More Distance, More Distance! The common lament! How in the world do the women on the LPGA Tour consistently hit their driver over 250 yards straight down the fairway and look beautiful and graceful doing it? It’s not by muscle and brawn! The answer is simple: LEVERAGE!
Try this: Hold a jar in one hand and its lid in the other hand. Turn both jar and lid in the same direction. No surprise, the jar will not open! You can open the jar quite easily when you hold the jar firmly in place and turn the lid in an opposing direction. That is LEVERAGE! The same law of physics applies to the golf swing! The dynamic motion of the golf swing works on the same principle. When the lower body (the JAR) sways or moves in the same direction as the upper body (the LID) the leverage is reduced substantially and the possibility of more distance dies on the vine. Maximum club head speed is achieved when leverage of the two parts are working in opposite directions to create FORCE. This force creates club head speed and more distance! That’s how the women on the LPGA do it! Can you? Come in for a leverage check and don’t be surprised if you learn to increase distance with more leverage!
One Idea at a Time
BY SUSAN BRISKE The New Year can bring a change to your game if you are ready. I have discovered over the years as a teaching professional that golfers struggle with “Too Much Information”, “Not Enough Information” or the “Wrong Information”! How can positive change happen if you don’t have the simple tools to understand your own needs? Try this: Sit down and cross your right leg over the left knee. Begin swinging your right leg in a clockwise rotation. After a few moments, close your eyes and with your finger draw an imaginary number 6 in the air. Notice what happens to your swinging leg! Do I have your attention yet? So, if you want to improve your game this year, work on one element at a time. Throw out all the information that clogs your thinking. Set a simple goal and master one change at a time. That’s really all your body and brain can handle! January is evaluation month. Make an appointment to see me and set up your game improvement plan for 2015. We are here to help! |
Add a Waggle for Cold Weather Play
BY SUSAN BRISKE If you feel that playing in cold weather reduces your feel and distance you might be experiencing too much tension in your hands, wrists and forearms. The cold temperatures can restrict mobility and reduce club head speed. Try this: Be aware of the pressure you are applying to your grip. On a scale of 1 – 10, your grip pressure should feel like a 5. In other words, hold the club like you would hold a baby bird. Then begin to waggle your elbows, forearms and wrists which will let go of the tension from the cold. Tight muscles shorten and tighten. Warm muscles lengthen and move faster, creating more club head speed and a longer |
Maximize Clubhead Speed to a Full Follow Through
BY SUSAN BRISKE Many students comment that they can’t seem to finish their swing as they imagine. You know, fully turned to the target, standing up tall and balanced over the left leg, right foot up with right toes holding balance. Good players make it look so powerful, so easy! So what is going so wrong for you in that two second swing action? Did you know there are two invisible forces that will help your swing? That’s right, two sources of power that will help if you allow them. The first is Gravity and the second is Momentum. Both are invisible but are waiting to help you attain more clubhead speed and more balance through the swing. The tension in your hands and arms before starting the swing transfers tension into the swing motion. Tension and “trying to hit too hard” actually sabotage any chance of swinging with rhythm, tempo and timing. Try this: Start with a relaxed grip and relaxed arms. Feel the clubhead fall into the downswing. It will pick up speed with the help of gravity. Allow the turning action to ride on the momentum you are creating to finish in a balanced full follow through. The club will not stop on it’s own. Stay relaxed and let the forces be with you! |