Letters from Happy GolfersMy wife, Shari, and I just attended the Pros 2 Go Golf Camp at Graeagle. It was the best lesson experience I have ever had. I have been playing for eleven years now, had several lessons and none were as good as those taught by Susan and David. I have already cut five strokes off my game and I am still implementing the principles taught in the camp. Great experience, great format and very useful instruction. I highly recommend it!
Jeff Davis Penn Valley, CA This camp was the best! Dr. David Jarrett Reno, Nevada I just finished this awesome golf school. As a new golfer, I have many things to learn, but in just a few days my game has improved tremendously! Susan's and David's style of teaching is incredible without being overwhelming. Highly recommend this golf school! Kathy Matthews San Bruno, CA Hey Susan, I won the Captain's Trophy today (first flight)!! No 3 putts for me :) Please let me know how I go about ordering the ball marker you used last weekend. I'm sold on it!!See you Saturday! Oh by the way, I used my 9 iron today on 3 different approach shots. All 3 were within 3 ft of the hole...1 putted them all!!Thank You!!
Betty Moyles, Lake Wildwood Hi Susan, Well, it took a while but I finally got a hole in one today! Of course, I thought of you. Thanks for the initial instruction. And, yes, the girls went along for the ride. Bonnie Duty Placerville, CA Hi Susan
I just wanted to tell you that my putting lesson on Wednesday paid off. In this morning's appeal Democrat on the front page of the sports section is my picture sinking a putt on number nine at the tournament yesterday. I thought you would be proud. Julie Shackleford-Moorehead Yuba City, CA Hey Susan! Thanks for the short game lesson. Chipping, pitching, putting and sand really helped my game a lot. I have been applying what I learned and this last week my partner and I won the Memorial Tournament at Nevada County Country Club. It felt so great!
Thank you so much, you are a great teacher. Sandy Pack Grass Valley Susan,
Thank you so much for the lesson this afternoon! A number of your tips really "made the light go on" for me! I promptly wrote it all down in my cell phone so I can remind myself before I go out each time until I really get it. I can't wait to put into practice the things I learned! Thanks again! Kathy Dickinson Hi Susan! Want to let you know how much both Sue Coppini and I loved your camp. We both feel we learned a lot from you and that you created an atmosphere of safety and fun for us. Sue Channel South Lake Tahoe,CA Susan, Thank you for the list of campers, and thank you, again, for the wonderful experience at Graeagle. You certainly increased my understanding of the game. It is hard to tell, yet, how much I have absorbed, as we have had rain most of this week. I am looking forward to getting back out there and applying at least some of what you taught us. Hoping to see you in the future. Emmy Cleland St Helena, CA I can't thank you enough for your help with my golf. Thank you for giving me the thrill of improving. It was a real joy for me. I will cherish that for years to come. Vicky Hurst Chelsea, Michigan Susan, You will be proud to know that I was 'most improved' in our 9er group for 2011. Another source of pride, Linda Thies, your other student, was the runner up. Congrats to you.
Barbara Law Penn Valley, CA Thank you so much for the wonderful clinic you and Carla produced for all of us at Circling Raven. I have had two brief opportunities to test my new skills. One major result from camp is that I have so much more confidence in my swing. I'm trusting myself and my clubs. I'm swinging through the ball to a good finish. I'm putting with more confidence because I am seeing not just the green but things around the green that can affect my chosen path to the hole. None of this would have been possible without your instruction and logical explanations of things. I came to camp without any "theory" on what to do with a chip or pitch shot. I am at least now aware of what I should be doing. Practice and playing will hopefully hone these skills. So thank you so much for being such a fantastic coach. And please thank Carla too. You are both amazing! Again, thank you so much for your dedication to helping us all play better golf. Sharon Decker St. Albans, MO Thanks so much, Susan! I am so grateful for all the advice and attention you gave me. It felt as if everything really came together for me today. I'm just sorry I didn't get a chance to give you a proper goodbye after such an amazing experience! With two incredible instructors, you're learning twice as much in half the time. The depth of instruction gave me several "ah ha" moments that translated into small victories on the course. I was pretty motivated to begin with, but now I am more motivated than ever. We'll cross paths again I'm sure. Mimi Cook Berkeley, CA Hi Susan
The gals, Mary, Michele and Anita, have been raving about the golf camp since we finished in February. I was curious to see if they would retain your excellent instruction and changes to their game and Mary and Michele are golfing with 100% improvement! Mary has taken at least 8 strokes off her game and Michele is hitting the ball with length and accuracy and it's great to see them enjoying the game and eager to keep improving! Instead of scoring double and triple bogeys...they are scoring bogeys and pars on par 4s!! Mary made her first birdie last week on a 166 yard par 3 and we celebrated for two days!! The gals tell all their golfing buddies about your camp and how much fun it was (even in the freezing cold). As far as I'm concerned, I am hitting the fall with more accuracy but those d _ _ _ sand traps still get me! All I think about when I'm in them is...left, left, and left....it has helped. JJ Ramme Hey Susan,
Janis and I golfed in the Lake Almanor Ladies Invitational today and took 1st in the 1st flight. We both agree that your clinics have really improved our game. Thanks for all your help and encouragement. We had a great time!! See you soon. Lynn Bottini |
Hi Susan, I want to thank you for the chipping clinic last week. It's helped so much...a nice chip in today on #6 and 2 pars :-)
Betty Moyles Penn Valley, CA Hi Susan I wanted to reiterate to you how much I enjoyed the golf camp. There have been some bright spots for sure and I continue to stay patient. Thank you for the couple of videos you have e-mailed to me. I hope you are having a good summer and I look forward to connecting with "Pros to Go" again Chris Harris Vancouver, BC Canada Just wanted to share with my awesome coach that I was on the winning team for the back 9 on the Invitational. Thanks so much for putting up with me! Can't wait for our next lesson.
Kerri Julian Penn Valley, CA Hi Susan Thank you so much for helping me today. You have no idea how much better I played. Larry was quite surprised...I think what helped me the most was that you caught I moved my eyes and then my head. Wow, that's amazing! Thanks again. Helen Nickolson Nicolaus, Ca Hi Susan, I'm not sure who you sent home to me from camp, but she is a golfer. She resembles my wife, but she has a new confidence in her swing. She played really well. I think Connie is past the "hammer and chisel" part of learning the swing. She is thinking her shots through and is making better club selections. When she hits a bad shot, she knows exactly what happened and what she needs to do to fix it. Bob Christilaw Spokane, WA Susan, Thanks so much for the videos that you sent. I’m back home now and will work with all the lessons from the camp. Both Alice and I loved it! Nancy Jakse Meadow Vista, CA Susan, Between the heat and grandchildren, I haven’t had much golf time, but I want to let you know how much I love the new irons, esp my wedge. I had a 51 on the front nine today, so my game has improved, thanks to you. Enjoy your time in beautiful Idaho. Linda I just need to let you know that Rita & I golfed in a couples tournament this evening and Rita had the best 9 hole round of her life, a 48.
It must have been your lesson this morning. Thanks, you are the greatest!!! Rick K That lesson on throwing the club did more for me on swinging "out" and getting my weight to my left side than anything I've done. Thank You Thank You! Kathy Sexton Yuba City, CA Hi Susan, I'm not sure who you sent home to me from camp, but she is a golfer. She resembles my wife, but she has a new confidence in her swing. She played really well. I think Connie is past the "hammer and chisel" part of learning the swing. She is thinking her shots through and is making better club selections. When she hits a bad shot, she knows exactly what happened and what she needs to do to fix it. Bob Christilaw Spokane, Wa Susan, Thanks so much for the videos that you sent. I’m back home now and will work with all the lessons from the camp. Both Alice and I loved it! Nancy Jakse Meadow Vista, CA I thought your class was excellent! No other way to describe it. I have been reducing my strokes each time I play. (I hope I don't jinx myself....) I have been able to use almost everything you taught us. I played last week and hit every 4 par and 5 par fairway s. I cannot remember that last time that happened. Anyway, I am very pleased and am planning to take another class from you, this time WITH Linda !! John Hamer Hello Susan, The little tip you gave me at the end of the driving clinic about my swing was great! I've been to the driving range the last three days and I can't believe how straight I'm hitting the ball. If you remember we adjusted my club face closed when I took the lesson with you on driving. Well I can now hit the ball with the face in the neutral position and its flying straight. It feels so good to hit the ball again. Thanks so much. James Robertson Yuba City, CA Hey Susan, I won the Captain's Trophy today (first flight)!! No 3 putts for me :) Please let me know how I go about ordering the ball marker you used last weekend. I'm sold on it!! See you Saturday! Oh by the way, I used my 9 iron today on 3 different approach shots. All 3 were within 3 ft of the hole...1 putted them all!! Thank You!! Betty Moyles Lake Wildwood, CA Susan:
I want to tell you how much better my golf game was this week with my new grip. It’s made a big change. I will keep repeating, “Thumbs up!”. Many thanks. Linda Hi Susan, just wanted to let you know I got the "most improved player" award from both Coyote Run & Mallard Lake ladies clubs. Thanks to your lessons!
Leela Rai Yuba city, CA Hi Susan, Tom and I so enjoyed our golf camp experience. Our fellow campers were so much fun and you and Bob made everything easy and comfortable for us. I have been saying for the last couple of years (about my golf game) that "It is what it is". Well, now I know that with some pearls of wisdom (from you and Bob) and some work on my part, I can have a better and more enjoyable game. So, thank you for the motivation. Hi from Tom-he's putting much better!
Jan Brady Reno, Nevada |